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What we believe


At the heart of our faith is the belief that

  • God created us in love

  • He constantly loves all that He has created.

  • He sent His Son , Jesus Christ, to reveal that He is a God                              to to be loved not feared

  • that, even though we are poor at loving Him back and at loving one another, He has - through the death of Jesus on a cross,  shown the extent to which He will go in order to draw us back into relationship with Himself.

  • that God has called us to follow the ‘Way’ of Christ in a pattern of loving self-giving  and to seek peace, and justice in the world around us.

  • that he has called us to reach out to ALL; whatever, age, sexuality, colour, creed or race,  in forgiveness, reconciliation and care.




Our Methodist heritage means that we lay emphasis on the belief that Christ died for ALL people and that it is our responsibility, not only to share this Good News, but live out our faith in care and love for others and seek to bring peace and justice to our society and community.




It is our belief

that Christ died for ALL

that it is our responsibility

not only to share this Good News

but live out our faith in care and love for others

and seek to bring peace and justice to our society and community.

It is our commitment to

update our approach to styles of worship

encouraging a greater use of our premises for prayer, instruction healing and fellowship

and continue to improve our facilities to enable this to happen in a comfortable environment

It is our aim

To deepen the life and fellowship of the church.

Encourage spiritual growth and outreach

Explore programmes in which new  Christians

and ‘seekers’ might discover the Christian faith.

 Be an inclusive, Christ-centred fellowship

AND to enable all who meet here, to meet with Jesus








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